Friday, July 9, 2010


It's Friday, and Garth still hasn't appeared. Dead, or just in hibernation? Answers on the back of a pie wrapper.


Meanwhile, at stately Herald Manor...
Editor: ...Right, next story. What's this one about?

Journalist: Well, it's about pests getting through customs. Apparently snakes aren't the problem at all, but-

(Editor turns and looks out window. Fingertips touch, C. Montgomery Burns-style.)

Editor: Snakes, you say....


  1. They must be very proud of that curved word-wrap around Mr Snake's head and tail.

  2. I'm kinda surprised there's no reference to Samuel L Jackson in this story

  3. It's called juxtaposition:

    1. "Garth still hasn't appeared. Dead, or just in hibernation?"

    2. Then a piece about snakes - which as anyone who has lived in Australia will know - are hibernating at this time of year.

    Just saying...

  4. Garth George in 'Andy Haden defence' un-shocker.

  5. Classic Garth.

    "Mr Haden should have been red-carded for his first outburst when he alleged that the Crusaders rugby team had a three-man ration on what he called 'darkies' (...)one wonders at his use of a peculiarly American racial epithet when there are several homegrown ones available."

    In other words: Andy Haden was wrong to claim that the Crusaders had a limit on the number of darkies selected.

    It would have been better if he had claimed that the Crusaders had a limit on the number of hories selected.

  6. (Noting, in fairness, that Garth did say the substantive thrust of Haden's comments were factually incorrect.)

  7. I guess (I mean, I hope) it's a generational thing.

  8. It's been a while now... has James also retired to Rotorua or something?
